
Wanglan Xie

Senior Chief Structural Engineer of TIANHUA Group
🐈Director of Science and Technology Committee of TIANHUA Group

Wanglan Xie is a professor-level senior engineer as well as Class 1 Registered Structural Engineer with a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. On July 1983, he graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in Mine Construction. He formerly worked on structural design for industrial and civil architecture at Changsha Metallurgical Design & Research Central Institute of MCC Group. He joined TIANHUA in 2002 and is currently the chief structural engineer of TIANHUA Group. He has abundant experience in structural design for industrial and civil engineering, especially in high-rise buildings, commercial complexes, assembly buildings, and existing building reconstruction and reinforcement. His strength lies in summarizing previous engineering experience and flexibly applying relevant design codes with precision, thus solving difficult engineering problems; He has a profound understanding of architecture, is attentive to client needs, shoulders social responsibility, displays technical creativity, and creates value through quality designs. By maintaining multiple positions with associations in the industry, he is actively involved in establishing industrial and local standards and reviewing engineering designs. 

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